Thursday, March 9, 2017

Love Conquers All 3/9/17

Initial gut reaction 1-Not at all   10-Yes, definitely
Did I convey presenter’s overall message? 7
Did I deliver the interpretation with confidence? 8
What is the presenter’s purpose?: Share her experience after seeing a really touching show with which she really felt a connection. 
What is the presenter’s attitude toward the topic?: (emotive, excited, lethargic…) She is very emotive and passionate about the topic. Her facial expressions really show her passion and the style of her signing.  
What was the presenter’s language quality? (clear, redundant, evasive, tangents…) She was clear for most of it,  but sometimes when she exaggerated the signs it was hard for me to understand.  
How was the audio/visual quality? She was clear in the picture, but wow there was a lot of distracting background noise!
How did the presenter structure the presentation? She just told her story and personal experience and then went into her message and why she was sharing the story.
Did the source text use any culturally bound information or topic-specific jargon?  There was a lot of culturally bound information and topic-specific jargon such as Deafhood and the oppression of the Deaf community. 
Brief notes: I had a difficult time interpreting this.  She was very emotional so some of her signs seemed to be very exaggerated and I didn't understand some of what she said.  I know I took lots of long pauses trying to understand her message. I think I achieved her overall goal, but missed a lot of the details. 

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