Thursday, February 16, 2017

Racism 2/16/17

Initial gut reaction 1-Not at all   10-Yes, definitely
Did I convey presenter’s overall message? 8
Did I deliver the interpretation with confidence? 8
What is the presenter’s purpose?: He wants to educate people and start a discussion.  
What is the presenter’s attitude toward the topic?: (emotive, excited, lethargic…) He is passionate about the topic. He really wants to educate people on the importance of discussing this topic and teach them what it means. 
What was the presenter’s language quality? (clear, redundant, evasive, tangents…) The language quality was clear, but sometimes when they switched speakers or introduced someone new it was a little difficult to tell. 
How was the audio/visual quality? It was okay quality. Sometimes I didn't understand everything they said because there were some asides, but overall, good. 
How did the presenter structure the presentation? It was a discussion. 
Did the source text use any culturally bound information or topic-specific jargon?  There was a lot of topic-specific jargon including red lining, food stamps, share cropping, white privilege, white supremacy, color blind.  Almost everything related to the topic is topic-specific jargon because the words were created to explain or describe these ideas/events. 
Brief notes: It really helped to have learned the vocab words prior to interpreting this!  I think I did okay in the beginning, but it got harder as the video went on.  Sometimes I didn't know how to explain in ASL what he was describing in English.  I felt good about my facial expressions which sometimes I know I ignore.  I felt myself looking away a lot so I need to improve my eye gaze.  I think I was trying to understand the content and I tend to look away when I'm trying to figure out what's going on.  There were a few times when I couldn't figure out how to sign something and I think I really need to work on expansion skills and need to teach myself to show the concept as best I can when I can't think of a sign or single word.

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